School Leader Advocacy Training
Join your colleagues this spring to continue training in becoming a better advocate for your LEA and public education!
PASA, PASBO, PAIU, PSBA, PARSS and the PA Principals Association are offering to school leaders this special opportunity for learn more about advocacy and hone your skills as an advocate. The spring training workshops will pick up on the fall 2017 sessions, providing a more in-depth look at engaging legislators, along with a focus on working with the press and traditional media and engaging in social media for advocacy.
More importantly, you'll learn how to:
* build relationships with and educate your legislators through direct engagement
* build relationships with your local reporters and editors
* create newsworthy press conferences, events and articles
* draft and place op-eds and letters to the editor
* use social media to mobilize your network to reach your advocacy targets
The spring advocacy training is FREE and will be offered from 9 am to noon in five locations:
Lincoln I.U. 12........ .Wednesday, May 9
Midwestern I.U. 4.. ..Monday, May 14
Berks Co. I.U. 14.. ..Thursday, May 17
Watch for information about upcoming webinar training!