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PASA provides links to numerous education and government resources to assist school administrators in their role as education leaders. Click on the information links (upper left column) to access these resources. (Listings are in no way an endorsement of any product, service, philosophy or opinion.)  If you know of a web site that would be of interest to PASA members, e-mail the Webmaster with the site address and description.
Professional Employment Resources
links to profesisonal information about Ethics Law, Right-to-Know, background checks, etc., as well as a link to superintendent salaries by I.U.

National Sites
*federal government sites: access to the Department of Education, executive and legislative sites, Library of Congress and general legislative information
*national resources: a variety of resources, ranging from education data and statistics to education news
*educational organizations: national organizations focused on school leadership and improving instruction
Pennsylvania Sites
*state government: access to legislative news and information
*state resources: links to the Department of Education, as well as PVAAS, PERMS and other key education information
*educational organizations: listing of Pennsylvania associations and organizations focused on education
REL Mid-Atlantic Regional Educational Laboratory (serving Pennsylvania): regionally-based education laboratory dedicated to research in education