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Conversations About Equity and Racism

PASA is listing below a number of resources to assist school leaders and educators to facilitate conversations and initiatives addressing equity and racial inequality in schools and communities.

* "Receiving Questions about CRT? Consider the Source" by Jay McTighe

* Equitable Practices Hub (PDE)

* PASA Statement (June 7)

* AASA Statement (June 3)

* Statement from Leaning Forward (June 3)

* Addressing Race and Trauma in the Classroom (from The National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

* Racial Equity and Inclusion (resources from the Annie E. Casey Foundation)

* How To Root Out Racism in Your School (Tyrone Howard, from Education Week)

* 15 Classroom Resources for Discussing Racism, Policing, and Protest (from Education Week)

We Need to Name it: Racism is a Public Health Crisis (from the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families) 

* Black Lives Matter at School (resources from the NEA)

* As Diversity Grows, So Must We (from ASCD)

* Leading Difficult Staff Conversations about Race (from SHARE)

* Race Talk: Engaging Young People in Conversations about Race and Racism (from the Anti-Defamation League)

* Anti-Racist Resources (LeaningForwardPA)

* Research and Issues (from the Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy)

RaceWorks – A free, racial literacy digital toolkit (from Stanford University)

Coming Together: Standing Up To Racism (a CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall For Kids and Families)