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Event Calendar

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

AI Lunch and Learn: Webinar #4

Start Date: 5/14/2024 11:30 AM EDT
End Date: 5/14/2024 1:00 PM EDT

Organization Name: PASA

Aubrey Kyler
Email: akyler@pasa-net.org
Phone: (717) 540-4448

Stay abreast of the rapid advancements in technology that are reshaping the educational landscape! Attend PASA’s Innovative Teaching and Learning Committee "Lunch and Learn" series on Artificial Intelligence (AI). These sessions provide a unique opportunity for leaders to understand how AI can be integrated into curriculum development, personalized learning, and administrative efficiency, ensuring that their institutions remain at the forefront of educational innovation and avoid legal issues. By engaging with experts and peers over lunch, leaders can learn about practical applications of AI, address ethical considerations, and explore strategies for implementing AI tools in a way that enhances learning outcomes and prepares students for a future where AI plays a central role in various industries. Moreover, these informal gatherings facilitate networking, collaboration, and the sharing of best practices among educational professionals, fostering a community that is well-equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by AI in education.

All sessions run from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

AI - District Panel : Using AI to impact student learning  

Online Registration

Registration is Closed
Closed: 5/13/2024 3:26 PM

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