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PASA E-Alert: Property Tax Elimination Threat

Call your State Senator NOW!

Senate Bill 76 is slated for a vote by the full Senate TODAY! Call your State Senator’s office now to urge him/ her to oppose the elimination of school property taxes. The vote will be close, so this is the time to speak up!

Senate Bill 76 is a distraction from the work of passing the state budget. The House of Representatives roundly defeated similar legislation earlier this year, and Governor Wolf has stated he also opposes it and would likely veto it should it reach his desk.

Senate Bill 76 eliminates the ability of school district to levy a property tax. The bill has a three tiered approach at making up the revenue districts would have received through a property tax levy. The bill allows school districts to implement (or increase) an EIT or PIT for the purpose of eliminating property taxes, increases the state PIT rate bringing the total state PIT rate to 4.95%, and increases the sales and use tax by 1% in addition to eliminating several current exemptions in an attempt to recoup the revenue lost through the elimination of the property tax.

Click on your senator’s name below to access their Capitol office phone number:

Alloway, Richard L. (R) 
District 33
Argall, David G. (R) 
District 29
Aument, Ryan P. (R) 
District 36
Baker, Lisa (R) 
District 20
Bartolotta, Camera (R) 
District 46
Blake, John P. (D) 
District 22
Boscola, Lisa M. (D) 
District 18
Brewster, James R. (D) 
District 45
Brooks, Michele (R) 
District 50
Browne, Patrick M. (R) 
District 16
Corman, Jake (R) 
District 34
Costa, Jay (D) 
District 43
Dinniman, Andrew E.(D) 
District 19
Eichelberger, John H.(R) 
District 30
Farnese, Lawrence M.(D) 
District 1
Folmer, Mike (R) 
District 48
Fontana, Wayne D. (D) 
District 42
Gordner, John R. (R) 
District 27
Greenleaf, Stewart J.(R) 
District 12
Haywood, Art (D) 
District 4
Hughes, Vincent J. (D) 
District 7
Hutchinson, Scott E.(R) 
District 21
Kitchen, Shirley M. (D) 
District 3
Leach, Daylin (D) 
District 17
McGarrigle, Thomas J.(R) 
District 26
McIlhinney, Charles T.(R) 
District 10
Mensch, Bob (R) 
District 24
Pileggi, Dominic (R) 
District 9
Rafferty, John C. (R) 
District 44
Reschenthaler, Guy (R)
District 37 
Sabatina, John P. (D) 
District 5
Scarnati, Joseph B. (R) 
District 25
Scavello, Mario M. (R) 
District 40
Schwank, Judith L. (D) 
District 11
Smucker, Lloyd K. (R) 
District 13
Stefano, Patrick J. (R) 
District 32
Tartaglione, Christine M. (D) 
District 2
Teplitz, Rob (D) 
District 15
Tomlinson, Robert M.(R) 
District 6
Vance, Patricia H. (R) 
District 31
Vogel, Elder A. (R) 
District 47
Vulakovich, Randy (R) 
District 38
Wagner, Scott (R) 
District 28
Ward, Kim L. (R) 
District 39
White, Donald C. (R) 
District 41
Wiley, Sean (D) 
District 49
Williams, Anthony H.(D) 
District 8
Wozniak, John N. (D) 
District 35
Yaw, Gene (R) 
District 23
Yudichak, John T. (D) 
District 14