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Why join PASA?  Watch the video in HD. (Or watch the video in Standard Def.)

Membership Categories: PASA and AASA

94% of PASA Dues are considered deductible by the IRS​.

Commissioned Officers
membership fee based on salary (see membership form). Superintendents, I.U. Executive Directors, Assistant Superintendents, Assistant I.U. Executive Directors.
* professional liability insurance coverage available with AASA membership (see below)

Small-School District Leader: $378. Commissioned Officers in districts with fewer than 350 students.
* professional liability insurance coverage available with AASA membership (see below)

Central Office Administrator (non-Commissioned): $404. Central office staff who are not commissioned officers.
District Cabinet Multiple-Member Discount: $353. To qualify, at least three (3) Central Office members must be PASA members along with the Superintendent. Discount also applies if total district cabinet is fewer than three individuals and all join. As an added benefit, Central Office members will have $1 million in liability insurance coverage provided by Forrest T. Jones Insurance for the 2023-24 fiscal year.

Associate: $161. Building administrators, including principals and assistant principals; individuals interested in, engaged in, or associated with any phase of educational work but not employed by a school system.  
Associate Multi-Member Discount: $111.
 To qualify, at least three building administrators must be PASA members, along with the superintendent. Discount also applies if total district building administrators are fewer than three individuals and all join.

Professor: $161. Full-time professors of educational administrator or supervision who are not currently employed in full-time school administration.

Aspiring/Basic: $60. Teachers, graduate students, counselors or other pursuing a career as a school system leader or those who hold administrative credentials and are employed in non-administrative positions in K-12 public schools.

Retired Administrator: $56
Active Membership: $485. Primarily for superintendents. (Assistant and Deputy Superintendents may also select this option.)

Active Small-School District Leader: $241. For superintendents in school districts with 350 or less students.

District Cabinet: $215. Persons not employed as a superintendent.

Associate: $215. Individuals interested in, engaged in, or associated with any phase of educational work but not employed by a school system

Active College Professor: $215. Full-time professors of educational administration and/or supervision who are not currently employed in full-time school administration.

Basic/Aspiring: $82. Teachers, graduate students, counselors or other pursuing a career as a school system leader or those who hold administrative credentials and are employed in non-administrative positions in K-12 public schools.

Retired: $82


As an Active member of AASA and a W-2 employed administrator, you automatically receive $1 million in professional liability insurance plus legal assistance benefits. You can also increase your coverage for a nominal charge. The links below provide additional the details about your in-dues insurance benefits:
In-dues professional liability plan
Legal support program

AASA’s Member Insurance Program also provides a broad range of voluntary insurance products at highly competitive rates, some with special associations discounts or exclusive features of particular benefit to educators. Plans include:
• Private practice professional liability insurance
Term life insurance plans and disability insurance from New York Life Insurance Company
• Individual and group health insurance, plus dental, long-term care, and cancer insurance plans
GEICO auto insurance and homeowners / renters / condo insurance

These plans are available to members through AASA’s participation in the Trust for Insuring Educators (TIE), a consortium of more than 60 national education associations representing over a million members. To view all plans and services available, visit the AASA Member Insurance Program hosted by Forrest T. Jones & Company, the program administrator.