Board of Governors
The Board of Governors is composed of the President, the President-Elect/Secretary, the Immediate Past President, the Treasurer, one member elected from each of the 29 PASA regions, chairs of PASA committees, the president of each PASA caucus (or designee), Pennsylvania representatives on the AASA Executive Committee or Governing Board, and one PASA representative from each organization affiliated with PASA, such as the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA), EasyProcure and Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust (PLGIT) selected in accordance with the PASA Bylaws. Regional representatives on the Board of Governors serve three-year terms and may be re-elected. Active members in each region elect their representative from among the active members of the region on an established election cycle.
Members of the PASA Board of Governors
Members of the PASA Board of Governors
Meetings: The Board of Governors shall hold at least four meetings annually (traditionally in September, November, January and April), one of which may be at the annual meeting of PASA in accordance with the PASA Bylaws. The President may call special meetings at any time. However, he/she must call a special meeting whenever so requested by one-third of the Board of Governors members.
Responsibilities of the Board: The Board of Governors manages the business and affairs of PASA. Regional representatives on the Board also serve as the PASA Membership Committee to facilitate communication between PASA members and the PASA office, encourage and promote PASA membership, and update the PASA office with position changes within the respective intermediate units.
Duties of Board Members:
- Making association policy and communicating with members
- Report PASA activities to the members within their respective Intermediate Units
- Inform PASA staff of changes in superintendent positions throughout their respective Intermediate Units and provide an update from his/her respective Intermediate Unit during each Board meeting
- Encourage PASA membership among their peers
- As the primary PASA representative in each region, meet with every new superintendent, either new to the position or new to the region, as soon as practicable after their appointment and share with them collegial support and an invitation to join PASA.
- Ensure that a selection process is in place within their respective Intermediate Units to fill the three-year-term positions on the Board and two PASA Standing Statewide Committees: Legislative and Advocacy