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2024-25 State Budget Proposal

Governor Josh Shapiro delivered his second state budget proposal on February 6. Below are a few highlights from the governor’s speech specific to K-12 Education. 

Governor Shapiro’s proposed budget includes a nearly $1.1 billion increase for basic education funding—of which $900 million is proposed as a first-year adequacy investment and $200 million is proposed to be distributed through the Basic Education Funding Formula.

In the coming weeks PASA will continue to unpack the Governor’s proposed budget and share key points from discussions with members of the General Assembly as they move forward to establish the 2024-25 budget.

The Governor's proposed budget also includes the following K-12-related education items: 

  • Establishes a statewide cyber tuition rate of $8,000 per student per year. This would save school districts $262 million annually.
  • $50 million spending increase for special education funding.
  • $50 million continuing investment in school safety and security improvements.
  • $300 million in sustainable funding for environmental repair projects in school buildings.
  • $100 million for additional mental health resources in schools.
  • $3 million to provide for menstrual hygiene products at no cost to students in schools.
  • $10 million for the Educator Talent Recruitment Account to increase participation in the education workforce by covering tuition, fees, supplies or other costs that serve as barriers.
  • Increased funding for student teacher stipends by $5 million to a total of $15 million to support Pennsylvanians training to become certified and committed educators in the Commonwealth.
  • $2.7 million in additional funding for the Head Start Supplemental Assistance Program and an additional $30 million for the Pre-K Counts program.
  • $2.4 million in additional funds for Career and Technical Education and continuing $7 million in support of dual enrollment.
Governor Shapiro's 2024 Budget Address as Prepared
2024-25 Proposed Summary of State Education Appropriations

Basic Education Funding: 
2024-25 Proposed Basic Education Funding
2023-24 Estimated Basic Education Funding

Special Education Funding:
2024-25 Proposed Special Education Funding
2023-24 Estimated Special Education Funding

Ready to Learn Block Grant: 
2024-25 Proposed Ready to Learn Block Grant

In the news: 
Shapiro Touts Plan to Spend PA's Surplus; Republicans Set to Apply Brakes
Gov. Josh Shapiro Calls for $1.1 Billion of Additional Dollars for K-12 School Districts in Budget
Senate Republican Leadership Statement: Massive Spending Increase in Shapiro Budget Raises Concerns


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