Advocacy Priorities
The PASA Advocacy Priorities direct PASA's advocacy efforts and serve to guide the Board of Governors, Executive Director and committees in carrying out the work of PASA and identifying specific actions that need to be taken in order to achieve the goals of the association.
PASA's 2022-23 Priorities include:
Safe, Healthy, and Supportive Learning Environments
Support equitable funding to meet the safety needs, educational needs, and physical, mental and social/emotional health of all students.
Improve the Educator and School Personnel Pipeline
Work with the General Assembly, Governor, and Department to address the critical shortages in professional and support staff personnel
Continue the Increases in Public Education Funding
Build upon the historic increase in public education funding in the 23-24 state budget
Advocate earnestly for Public Education
Work with all members of the General Assembly and the Governor’s Office to support, defend, and promote public education
How Our Advocacy Priorities Are Established:
The Advocacy Priorities are developed through the work of the Advocacy Committee, whose members annually lead regional conversations with school district leaders across the commonwealth concerning the association's legislative and regulatory priorities. The committee then meets to draft necessary revisions to the PASA Advocacy Priorities. The final draft is presented to the Board of Governors (September) and then to the PASA membership for approval.