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Surveys and Reports

PASA conducts targeted surveys to identify issues and data that are an ongoing or growing concern for public education.  The purpose of these surveys and subsequent reports is to better inform policymakers concerning the impact funding and changes in either law or regulation will have on public schools - and students.

NEW! Report: PASBO/PASA School District Budget Report (January 2020)
to read the survey report.

Report: PASBO/PASA School District Budget Report (June 2019)
to read the survey report.

Report: PASBO/PASA School District Budget Report  (January 2019)
CLICK HERE to read the survey report.
CLICK HERE to read the press release.

Report: The PASA-PASBO Report on School District Budgets (June 2018)
CLICK HERE to read the survey report.
CLICK HERE to read the press release.
Report: The PASA-PASBO Report on School District Budgets (June 2017)
CLICK HERE to read the survey report.
CLICK HERE to read the press release.

Report: The PASA-PASBO Report on School District Budgets (January 2017)
CLICK HERE to read the survey report.
CLICK HERE to read the press release.

Report: Continued Cuts: Losing Confidence, Losing Learning - The PASA-PASBO Report on School District Budgets (June 2016)
CLICK HERE to read the survey report.
CLICK HERE to read the press release.

Report: Continued Cuts - The PASA-PASBO Report on School District Budgets (June 2015)

CLICK HERE to read the survey report.
CLICK HERE to read the press release.

Report: Continued Cuts - The PASA-PASBO Update on School District Budgets (February 2015)
CLICK HERE to read the survey report.
CLICK HERE to read the press release.